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Funny little animals. For friends and girlfriends

Olga Kholodova

A good book about the exciting adventures of the funny animals: bunnies, hedgehogs, a goose, a pig, a dog and a cat – will be interesting to young readers.

Funny little animals

For friends and girlfriends

Olga Kholodova

Illustrator Olga Kholodova

© Olga Kholodova, 2017

© Olga Kholodova, illustrations, 2017

ISBNВ 978-5-4483-2600-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Cat andВ boot

Carefree at gate Barbos and an old cat sleeps. They had together aВ good time and froliced, and were played. Suddenly, the boot flies toВ aВ cat.

“Who could make it?” The dog of Barbos argues and a paw scratches a black nose.

“Maybe the boot was thrown by our Andrey,” the Grey cat assumes.

“No, Andryusha not the villain,” a dog in reply playfully barks.

The dog did not help with aВ problem. Again the boot flies toВ aВ cat. Long the dog still looked for the one who inВ aВ cat ofВ boots threw. All it was much simpler. This day the summer fast breeze walked on aВ grove. He is aВ boot and dragged off. The owner washed boots and on aВ fence dried them, and the baby the breeze on aВ cat could throw off them.

The dog could not know about it therefore he did not help.

Marvin andВ sock

Hare Marvin ran inВ the field. Well toВ aВ hare at liberty. On aВ glade he jumped and found aВ sock inВ aВ grass. Hare does not know that the sock was dragged byВ aВ polecat. He escaped from people and took such trophy. Also the little steppe polecat would not throw aВ sock if the red fox does not wish toВ eat it. The fox ofВ aВ polecat caught and with him inВ aВ mouth went toВ aВ hole. The red cheat is glad for her aВ polecat an award. At this time the hare toВ aВ hedgehog came and showed it aВ blue knitted sock. The hedgehog saw how aВ polecat, the poor little small animal, ran away from aВ fox, and the sock inВ aВ grass threw. About aВ polecat the hedgehog told and on aВ mink showed.

“Oh you, the red conceited person,” became angry gray hare. Marvin took the hammer from the house and put on a sock a hedgehog. To a mink the hare and a hedgehog quickly hurried. They decided to frighten a fox. Marvin threw the hammer in a fox. The hedgehog in a sock shouted, “Fyr-fyr”. The fox was frightened and ran away into the wood, and the frightened polecat remained in a hole. He to Marvin showed the way to a hedgehog and hare to a bear. At a bear the polecat treated a hare and a hedgehog honey the sock presented then to Marvin.

Hare Marvin and hammer

The little hare Marvin ran on aВ lawn. When he ran on aВ grass, saw the hammer. Marvin took away the hammer and toВ the house jumped. Now it will build the new house behind the big forest hill. The hammer knocks as aВ thunder our hare builds the house. Marvin saw aВ frog about aВ tree and caught her girlfriend. She is necessary toВ Marvin for catching ofВ midges.

At a window the frog sits. It catches flies and mosquitoes. Near it there is a tub with different berries and mushrooms. The smell of berry attracts animals. The bear scented a smell of berry and went on a visit to a hare. When the bear came to a hare, suggested to exchange the branches for berry. Hare gave to a bear of berries and went to decorate a roof with branches. Marvin painted a door at a lodge and decided mute to have a rest. The hedgehog approached a hare and sat down nearby. The hedgehog strongly wanted mushrooms and suggested Marvin to exchange a cabbage leaf for mushrooms. Marvin quickly agreed and for mushrooms left. The crunch costs all around. The hedgehog brought cabbage to the friend. Marvin cheerfully crackles. The hedgehog home drags a mushroom. After a while to hare the fox came. Chanterelle shouts, “Vi-vay, Marvin open doors”. Hare answers, “I am not afraid of you a fox any more. I have my friend the hammer”. The fox bypassed around a lodge of hare and ran away into the wood.

Marvin andВ book

Marvin little hare. He went for aВ walk also aВ tail toВ twirl. Mar

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