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House onВ theВ mountain. AВ story with anВ unusual ending

Sergey Blohin

Dan went on an internship in a small town Oldwood. And everything seems to be all right, when suddenly strange things begin to happen in his house…

House onВ theВ mountain

AВ story with anВ unusual ending

Sergey Blohin

© Sergey Blohin, 2019

ISBNВ 978-5-4493-4320-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


1980’s of the year. Brooklyn, United States.

Dan Smith was an ordinary guy. He grew up in a small middle-class house, in an ordinary family: father, mother, sister and grandfather. Father Dan is called Peter. He is 52 years old. He used to work as a fireman, but now he works as a taxi driver. Dan’s mother’s name is Sarah. She is 48 years old. She has worked all her life at a garment factory. Sara herself is from Canada. They moved with their family to the US, because Sarah’s father was offered a good job there.

Dan’s parents met at the time when his father came from the army. He served in the Navy. Since then, they have been together for 25 years.

Dan’s sister’s name is Mary. She is only 8 years old. She recently finished third grade. Mary loves helping her mother at home, reading books, and playing dolls, like any girl at her age. In the future, she wants to become an art teacher. For the most part, it’s not because she loves the subject, but because she likes her art teacher.

Granddad Dan is called Scott. He is 83 years old. He used to be a farmer, but later he lost everything when his farm was set on fire by some hooligan. Grandpa to this day grumbles that it was his longtime enemy Tony Pavlo. However, according to the official version, the arsonist was an ordinary teenager who set fire to his grandfather’s farm just to show his friends courage. The farm could be restored, but it required a lot of investment, and there were not any of them at that time. Therefore, everything that survived after the arson was sold, and my grandfather took a job as a security guard at the local port, where he worked only for 3 years, and then retired.

Dan recently defended his diploma at the university. He studied for 6 years at the Medical Faculty. Dan was very anxious about studying, but, despite his efforts, he was not the best student. The young man was sent to an internship in Oldwood – a small town in the north of the US with a population of no more than 15 thousand people. Although it was far from Brooklyn, Dan, however, was not very upset, because for him was important career. He wanted to receive a decent salary to help his beloved family.

So Dan collected things, said goodbye toВ his family, bought aВ ticket toВ Oldwood and went on an independent life.

Chapter 1. Arrival

Dan safely reached Oldwood. The train was very hot, but there were not many people. Dan tried toВ sleep on the train, but he could not do it, because he could not stop thinking about the upcoming internship.

Leaving the station, Dan decided toВ sit on the bench, take aВ breath. The street was warm enough, 25 degrees Celsius. So he was hot: he wore aВ jacket, jeans and sneakers. This is because when Dan left Brooklyn, it was aВ little rain and Dan dressed warmly.

Sitting on aВ bench, Dan saw aВ newsagent near the station. He decided toВ buy aВ couple ofВ newspapers with ads on renting aВ house.

Approaching the kiosk, Dan asked:

– Excuse me, can I have a couple of newspapers with ads?

“Of course,” said the woman, who was selling newspapers. – Anything else?

“A pack of Marlboros, please.”

Dan bought the newspaper, went back toВ the bench, lit aВ cigarette, and began toВ look for aВ place toВ settle for the internship.

Polistav little newspaper, Dan drew attention toВ the fact that prices for homes inВ this city were much lower than that inВ his homeland, inВ Brooklyn. That was good news. But still he did not want toВ spend aВ lot ofВ money on rent, so he chose the two cheapest options. He circled the phone number inВ the newspaper, looked at aВ couple more ads, finishe

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