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Wife-killer in the photo. The most cruel female maniacs you have not even heardВ of

Max Klim

Female killers: the most ruthless and dangerous. Among them there are loners, and there are those who killed along with their husbands and lovers. They killed children, men and women. Female serial killers are rare. Exit the comfort zone! Feel the horror and thrill after reading all these terrible stories that happened inВ reality not so longВ ago. Irina Viktorovna Gaydamachuk, Jane Toppan, Carla Homolka, Vera Rentsi, Mary Nou, Marquise de Branneville, Velma Barfield and many others!

Wife-killer in the photo

The most cruel female maniacs you have not even heardВ of

Max Klim

© Max Klim, 2017

ISBNВ 978-5-4490-1323-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Female killers: the most ruthless and dangerous. Among them there are loners, and there are those who killed along with their husbands and lovers. They killed children, men and women.

Female serial killers are rare. Exit the comfort zone! Feel the horror and thrill after reading all these terrible stories that happened inВ reality not so longВ ago.

Irina Viktorovna Gaydamachuk, Jane Toppan, Carla Homolka, Vera Rentsi, Mary Nou, Marquise de Branneville, Velma Barfield and many others!

AmeliaВ Dyer

Amelia Dyer was fond ofВ poetry and literature, she received an excellent education. She was born Pile Marsh, Bristol (England) inВ 1838. Her father is aВ shoemaker, Samuel Hobley, the mother ofВ Sarah Hobley. Amelia was the 5th child inВ the family.

The family had aВ good income, they did not know wandering and poverty. But not everything is so cloudless. Mother Amelia suffered from aВ mental illness after the typhoid epidemic. When Amelia turned thirteen, she died. The girl moved toВ her aunt inВ Bristol. And there she went toВ study inВ aВ corsetry workshop. His father died inВ 1859. The elder brother began toВ manage their small factory.

InВ 1861, Amelia Dyer married George Thomas. He was much older than her (60В years). It is fixed that at the wedding, toВ look inВ the eyes ofВ others more decently the future spouses lied about their age. The groom has slowed down ten years, and the bride, on the contrary, has added.

Soon Amelia went toВ study for aВ nurse, and then work on her specialty. InВ those days, this profession was considered very profitable. Most ofВ all she liked obstetrics.

Taking illegal births from unmarried women, she kept their dishonesty inВ secret, and later also took illegitimate children for maintenance.

Ellen Dane – her new girlfriend, taught all the intricacies of such services and beznesa. Later, Ellen Dane hurriedly left the country, as she was already being pursued by the police.

Amelia had aВ daughter and inВ the same year her husband passed away. AВ young woman with aВ small child found herself inВ aВ rather difficult financial situation. But she has already carefully considered the strategy ofВ not dusty earnings.

Outwardly she looked very decent and educated person, provoking unquestioning confidence: aВ professional nurse, aВ good young mother, aВ respectable lady. Women trusted her unhappy illegitimate children.

Amelia arranged a real children’s shelter and received 10 pounds for each child and a box of clothes for a year. But the hostess of the institution never loved these children and treated her duties with extreme disdain. She gave them a tincture Godfrey’s Cordial or «Mother’s Friend» (Mother’s Friend). A popular narcotic drug, which in large doses led the babies to complete exhaustion and rapid death.

It looked like this: the children peacefully slept in their cradles, but in fact they were inhibited all life processes. Soon the newborn died. Suspicions are not caused – the children were recognized as not viable, and besides they grew without mother’s milk.

If the parents suspected something, they could not turn anywhere, for fear ofВ publicity and shame. Amelia l

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